What is Horizon Europe?

Horizon Europe is the European Union’s Research and Innovation program that runs from 2021 to 2027, being the continuation of the previous H2020 program. It is structured on three main pillars: excellent science, global challenges and European industrial competitiveness and Innovative Europe. This program seeks to achieve a scientific, technological, economic and social impact in the European Union.

What is Erasmus Plus?

Erasmus Plus is the European Union’s program focused on education, training, youth and sport. In the period 2021-2027 it gives special attention to social inclusion, ecological and digital transition and the participation of young people in democracy.


How does ESDP participate in Horizon Europe and Erasmus Plus?

The Spanish School of Rescue and Detection with Dogs (ESDP) has participated in several projects within the H2020 program and participates in projects in Horizon Europe related to the thematic of security. We are part of multidisciplinary and transnational consortia in the role of end users, establishing the needs of K9 rescue teams as first responders. We test technological solutions aimed at improving the efficiency and safety of rescue teams, developed by consortium partners, and participate in pilots that reproduce real emergency situations where the technology is tested. In this way, we contribute to the development of technological devices adapted to the real needs and working conditions of first responders in disaster conditions. Our rescue teams are experienced in large area searches, collapsed structures, and landslides of both anthropogenic and natural origin. Our teams also specialize in dog training for the detection of explosive and illegal substances and in bio-detection for medical and environmental research.

ESDP participates in the Erasmus Plus program by contributing its experience in training volunteers and first responders. We also create specialized training materials related to ESDP’s fields of action, also contributing our experience in field interventions. Our research team, in continuous evolution, continues to work to open new ways of collaboration in other European programs.


How does ESDP participate in Horizon Europe and Erasmus Plus?

The Spanish School of Rescue and Detection with Dogs (ESDP) has participated in several projects within the H2020 program and participates in projects in Horizon Europe related to the thematic of security. We are part of multidisciplinary and transnational consortia in the role of end users, establishing the needs of K9 rescue teams as first responders. We test technological solutions aimed at improving the efficiency and safety of rescue teams, developed by consortium partners, and participate in pilots that reproduce real emergency situations where the technology is tested. In this way, we contribute to the development of technological devices adapted to the real needs and working conditions of first responders in disaster conditions. Our rescue teams are experienced in large area searches, collapsed structures, and landslides of both anthropogenic and natural origin. Our teams also specialize in dog training for the detection of explosive and illegal substances and in bio-detection for medical and environmental research.

ESDP participates in the Erasmus Plus program by contributing its experience in training volunteers and first responders. We also create specialized training materials related to ESDP’s fields of action, also contributing our experience in field interventions. Our research team, in continuous evolution, continues to work to open new ways of collaboration in other European programs.

H2020 and Horizon Europe projects

European projects in which the Spanish School of Rescue and Detection with Dogs (ESDP) participates in the framework of the H2020 and HE program

ST Bernand Project

STBERNAND is a project coordinated by the technology-based company Counterfog with 19 partners and a budget of about 6.7 million euros.
The project is based on research and development of advanced technologies to address CBRN risks.

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Faster Project

FASTER addresses the challenges associated with the protection of first responders in hazardous environments, while at the same time enhancing their capabilities in terms os situational awareness and communication.

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Search and rescue Project

The key objective of S&R is to develop an efficient framework of interoperability in order to manage the data, the services and the information flows between the different stakeholders involved in emergency and crisis management(rescue forces, police, firefighters, etc.)

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Intrepid project

INTREPID aims to create and validate a unique platform, seamlessly integrating intelligence amplification and extended reality concepts, with unprecedented smart cybernetic assistants and innovative deep indoor networking and positioning capabilities, to improve and accelerate the exploration and assessment of disaster zones.

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Erasmus Plus projects

European projects in which the Spanish School of Rescue and Detection with Dogs (ESDP) participates in the framework of the H2020 and HE program


The Ready4RescEU project is a small-scale Erasmus led by the Turkish Emergency Agency (AFAD) in which ESDP participates together with AFAD and the Turkish company ASYSTEE. Signed with agreement number 2023-1-TR01-KA210-VET-000153801.

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Erasmus YOMI is a project led by the Turkish Emergency Agency (AFAD) and in which ESDP participates as a partner together with eight entities from different countries: Germany, Turkey, Hungary, Ireland and Slovenia. Signed with the agreement number 2022-1-TR01-KA220-VET-000086566.

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